Tell Radical Derrick Van Orden It’s Time to Debate

Radical Derrick Van Orden can’t hide from his record of failure and embarrassment

In 2022, Radical Derrick Van Orden refused to debate the Democratic candidate. He knew his extreme ideas and outlandish behavior would tank his chances of being elected to Congress. In 2024, we can’t let him hide from voters. 

Wisconsinites deserve honest and transparent leadership in Congress - not childish outbursts like we’ve seen from Derrick Van Orden during the State of the Union address, at the U.S. Capitol, and in the district.

Derrick Van Orden owes it to all of us to have a serious debate about the issues that matter most to our families - like rising costs for food and affordable healthcare and medicine. We’re not going to let him get away with hiding from the public – join us and demand that Derrick debate.

Tell Derrick It’s Time to Debate

I’m Katrina Shankland

As a state representative in the Wisconsin State Assembly, I’ve passed 180 bipartisan bills into law, including increased access to affordable rural healthcare, help for farmers, expanded protections for first responders, and stronger clean water laws.

I’m running for Congress to bring my experience getting results for working families and seniors to the U.S. Capitol. I’ll roll up my sleeves and fight against extremism. And, I’ll work across party lines to get things done for the people of Western and Central Wisconsin. It’s time for some common sense in the U.S. Capitol.

I’ve won tough elections before, and when Republicans targeted me with hundreds of thousands of dollars in attack ads, I beat them by double digits. As a battle-tested candidate with a track record of winning elections and getting more votes than other Democratic candidates up and down the ticket, I can beat Radical Derrick Van Orden this November.

Who is Radical Derrick Van Orden?

Van Orden is an extremist who wants to strip women of their freedom to make their own decisions when it comes to abortion.

Derrick Van Orden is an extremist who believes abortion should be criminalized with no exceptions - even in cases of rape, incest, or when the life or health of the woman is at risk. Van Orden said he is against abortion “under any circumstance” and “I Really Have A Very, Very Difficult Time Trying To Justify Abortion Under Any Circumstance.”  Van Orden also compared abortion to genocide and tweeted “life begins at conception” in 2021, which is a position that firmly puts IVF treatments at risk. 

Since being elected, Van Orden voted for radical legislation that would limit reproductive freedoms, healthcare access, and potentially imprison doctors. 

Citations: John Muir Show, 6/17/20, WSAU, 5/13/20, Huffington Post 1/11/23, New York Times, 1/11/23, Twitter @derrickvanorden, 5/26/21

Van Orden Bragged in his book, “The Lost Art of Manhood,” about Sexually Harassing Two Female Navy Lieutenants

In Derrick Van Orden’s own book titled, “The Lost Art of Manhood,” he brags about sexually harassing two female Navy lieutenants. Van Orden tells a tale of how he exposed a man’s genitals to two younger female naval officers he described as, “cute girls.” A West Point Colonel said Van Orden’s behavior was “ridiculously demeaning.” Another U.S. Navy Reserve Lieutenant said Van Orden’s book was “glamorizing sexual misconduct” in the military.

Citations: La Crosse Tribune, 9/25/2020, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 9/25/2020, The Lost Art of Manhood by Derrick Van Orden book, 2015.

Radical Derrick Van Orden was endorsed by Wisconsin Right-to-Life in 2022 where they noted that he supports the so-called “personhood” policy that would make In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) illegal


During National Agriculture Week, Radical Derrick Van Orden made clear that he doesn’t think farmers should have access to export markets by comparing American farmers selling food to China, to "feeding Nazi Germany in 1938."


Van Orden is an Angry Radical Who Got Caught Screaming and Cursing at Teenagers

In Congress, Van Orden is a hot head who won’t work with anyone –  he’s not getting anything done for Wisconsin. Congress is the least productive it’s been in decades and it’s because of the obstruction and chaos he and his unserious colleagues create.

Van Orden was inside the restricted zone at the U.S. Capitol during the January 6th riots that injured more than 100 police officers. And he’s continued his bad behavior. 

Van Orden was caught screaming and cursing at a teenaged librarian  at the Prairie du Chien Library, and he was caught on camera yelling obscenities at high school Senate Pages in the U.S. Capitol. 

And, during the 2024 State of the Union address to Congress, Van Orden defied Republican leadership’s request for decorum and shouted “Lies!” at the president, then doubled down. 

Don’t send an angry radical back to Congress to represent Wisconsin’s 3rd Congressional District.

Citations: Daily Beast, 6/26/21, Washington Examiner, 2/6/22, AP, 8/23/2021, Forbes, 6/27/2023, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 3/7/2024

Angry Radical Derrick Van Orden resorts to name calling with his own colleagues in Congress, calling them "tubby."


Radical Derrick Van Orden

An Uncompromising Extremist with a Hot Temper

In 2022, Derrick Van Orden refused to debate. I’m not going to let that happen again. Tell Derrick Van Orden to show up to work – facing the public is part of the job and we demand it.

Have your voice heard - tell Derrick Van Orden it’s time to debate! Click to send him a message!